The company LD'ALBA srl (hereinafter "SELLER") is registered in the register of companies of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Rome under the REA number RM-914639, with tax code and VAT number n. 50%
The registered office address is Largo Giuseppe Cocchi, 12 00152 rome (RM) Italy.
The use of the distance selling service described in these General Conditions of Sale is reserved exclusively for consumers (hereinafter, "Customers" or "Customer"), understood as natural persons acting for purposes unrelated to their commercial, entrepreneurial or professionally carried out.
Each purchase order made by a Customer for a product that appears in the online shop of the site (hereinafter "the Seller's Site" or "Site") presupposes the consultation and acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

The Customer declares to have full capacity to act and enter into the purchase contract for the products available on the Seller's website. The Seller cannot in any way be required to verify the ability to act of visitors and buyers of its website. In the event that a buyer does not have the ability to act (for example a minor) and places an order on the Seller's website, without prejudice to the responsibility of his parents or legal guardians for the aforementioned order and the relative payment, the Seller may refuse to accept the order.

The validation of the order carried out electronically implies full acceptance of these. This validation has the value of an "electronic signature".
The language available to conclude the contract is Italian.
The customer is required to carefully read the General Conditions of Sale that have been made available to him on the Site.
The sales contracts concluded with LD'ALAB srl through the website are governed by Italian law and, in particular, by Legislative Decree no. 206 of 2005 and by Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003).
As regards the protection of the confidentiality of personal data, this will be subject to the legislation referred to in Legislative Decree no. 196 of 2003).

1) Object

These general conditions of sale have as their object the definition of the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the online sale of the goods offered by the Seller to the Customer and apply to the sale of products purchased through the Seller's website.

2) Confirmation of the order

To purchase the Products, the Customer must complete and send the order form to the Seller in electronic format, following the instructions contained on the Site. The Customer must put the Product in the appropriate "cart" and, after having read the General Conditions, with particular reference to the contribution for delivery costs, the methods of exercising the right of withdrawal and the Privacy Policy, must select the method payment method and choose the "send order" option.
Before submitting your purchase order, the Customer will have the opportunity to correct any errors in entering data by following the appropriate modification procedure contained on the Site. In particular, the Customer has the right to change the quantity of the Products he intends to purchase, adding or deleting one or more Products from the "cart".
By sending the order, the Customer acknowledges and declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the General Conditions of Sale and the additional information contained on the site (including Privacy Policy and the General Conditions of Use).
The Customer will have the opportunity to view and follow the status of his order through the "Order History and Details" area of his account.
The Seller reserves the right to evaluate the acceptance of orders received. The Seller will notify the Customer of any inability to accept the orders received within 72 hours from the business day following the one on which the Customer sent the order to the Seller, without the need to justify any refusal and / or cancellation of the order, and will refund any sums already paid by the Customer for the payment of the supply.
The Seller may not process purchase orders that do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency or that are incomplete or incorrect or in the event of unavailability of the products.
In these cases, the Seller will inform the customer by e-mail that the contract is not concluded.
If the products are no longer available or on sale at the time of the last access to the site or when the order form is sent, it will be the Seller's responsibility to notify the Customer promptly and in any case within 30 (thirty) days from the day following that on which the Customer has sent the order to the Seller, any unavailability of the products ordered. In case of forwarding of the order form and payment of the price, the Seller will refund, without undue delay, what has already been anticipated by the Customer and the contract will be considered terminated between the parties.
The Customer receives, at the time of execution of the contract, at the e-mail address indicated at the time of the order, the confirmation of receipt of the purchase order sent by him.

3) Proof of the transaction

The electronic records that can be deduced from the computerized records of the Seller, and stored electronically in full compliance with the law, are considered proof of the issue and subsequent confirmation of the Customer's order, of the payments made, and of any other request between the Parties.
The archiving of orders and invoices is carried out on an electronic medium belonging to the Seller and stored according to the best methods.

4) Product information

The Seller has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information on its Site is complete and comprehensive; however, no responsibility can be charged to the Seller for any deficiencies, errors or omissions on the Site.
Each item on the Seller's website may undergo changes (photos, descriptions and prices), even significant ones, without prior notice but, of course, in full compliance with the main characteristics of the products.
The "reD'An roma" brand products are intended for the exclusive use of dogs and adults and are not suitable for children.
The Seller or its suppliers can never be held responsible for the consequences, accidents and damages of any kind deriving from an illicit use of the items purchased on the Seller's website.
Furthermore, the Seller assumes no responsibility for damage caused by improper use of the items sold.
The prices shown on the Seller's website are valid for the day and include VAT.
If, in periods subsequent to the exposure of the price, changes in the VAT rates and other indirect taxes occur, the corresponding changes to prices will be applied in more uniqueness or less.

The products as artisanal and may present small differences from piece to piece. This is synonymous with the uniqueness of the products by the reD'An Roma brand and does not in any way constitute a reason for compensation on the part of the customer.


5) Duration of validity of the offer and its price

Our prices are valid for the day and expressed with VAT INCLUDED.

6) Delivery methods

The products are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer on the order.
Upon delivery, the signature of an adult over 18 years of age will be required.
The products are released from the Seller's warehouse in perfect condition, after checking the product itself; any anomaly should be found at the time of delivery (defect, non-conformity, missing product compared to the order and the delivery document, damaged package, broken products) must strictly be indicated on the delivery order with the indication "written reservations" and signed by the Customer.
The Customer must therefore report to the carrier (or the postman) any trace of damage to the delivered package (for example: hole, signs of crushing, etc ...). If the Customer, despite a defect on the packaging of the wrapping, decides to accept the goods, he must have the courier or postman note, in the document of receipt of the goods, that the package has been "collected subject to verification within the status of the product due to a visible defect on the delivered package ".
The replacement of a product, whose damage during transport has not been detected with the reservations indicated above cannot be taken into consideration.
Should the defect of the product due to the damage suffered externally be confirmed, the Customer must address the carrier in n. 2 (two) working days following the delivery date, a dispute, sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, with mention of the receipt of the defective goods, indicating the date and number of the waybill of the shipment.
The Customer must send a copy of the registered letter to the Seller; in the absence of such communication it will not be possible to replace the goods.
The Seller will make every effort to facilitate the return procedure and will proceed with the replacement as quickly as possible, which will take place without any increase in costs.
The Customer must also promptly communicate any delay in the delivery of the ordered products; the Seller will assist the Customer by contacting the forwarder to resolve the problem of the delay or loss of the goods.
The Seller declines all responsibility for delivery delays caused by the shipper or due to force majeure.

7) Delivery errors

If the Customer detects a discrepancy in the delivered product with respect to the order, he must communicate this discrepancy to the Seller's address at the latest within the day following that of delivery. After this deadline, any complaint cannot be accepted, releasing the Seller from any obligation to replace the product.
In the event of a request for replacement due to non-compliance, the product to be replaced or refunded must be returned to the Seller in its original packaging in an impeccable condition.
Before proceeding with the shipment, the Seller must be asked for a return authorization and proceed with the methods of returning the goods, agreed with the customer service at the time of the return authorization.

8) Product warranty

The general guarantees in favor of the Customer remain in force against all the consequences of hidden defects in the product.
The warranty period is 1 year (one year). All products modified in any way, repaired by the customer or treated differently from the directions for use and / or washing indicated by the Seller are excluded from any guarantee.

9) Shipping and payment

To pay the price of the products and the relative shipping and delivery costs, the Customer can choose one of the methods indicated in the order form. In no case will the Customer be charged with costs higher than those actually counted and listed in the order form, with the exception of any customs duties, if any, and other import costs in the country of destination which are always charged to the Customer.
The shipping costs of the ordered products, customs duties and any other import costs in the country of destination indicated by the customer are charged to the customer.
If the right of withdrawal has been asserted, the shipping costs of the purchased products will be fully refunded.
Only the shipping costs for the exchange of goods will be charged to the customer, which must in any case be authorized.
It is possible to request authorization to return the product by email  . (reply within 24 / 48h) after which, having received the written authorization from the Seller, to decide the methods of returning the goods, agreed with the Customer service at the time of the return authorization.
For more information on payment methods and shipping costs click here (insert shipping and payment link)

10) Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal applies only to customers who do not act as a company.
The private customer has a term of n. 14 (fourteen) days to assert this right, without indicating the reasons, by sending the Seller a specific explicit declaration of its decision to withdraw via email  . This term is to be counted from the day of receipt of the goods ordered by the Customer.
To withdraw from the contract, the customer can draw up and send the Seller another explicit declaration of the decision to withdraw from the contract by email  . the Seller will send confirmation by e-mail of the receipt of the request for withdrawal and the return procedures will be agreed (within 24 / 48h).
Each return must be requested in advance from the Seller's customer service no later than the established deadline. The product must be returned to the Seller's address without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the date of sending the communication relating to the withdrawal.
The Seller will reimburse the Customer, within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of the goods, the price of the product and the shipping costs equivalent to the standard shipping service even if the Customer has chosen a faster delivery service with higher costs, through the same means of payment used by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless the Customer has expressly agreed otherwise and provided that the Customer does not have to incur any additional costs as a consequence of the refund.


 If there is no correspondence between the recipient of the products indicated in the order form and the person who paid the sums due for their purchase, the reimbursement of the sums, in case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, will be made by the Seller, in in any case, towards the person who made the payment.
It is up to the Customer to decide how to return the goods, agreed with the Customer Service at the time of the return authorization.
Only returns of original products sent in their complete and intact original packaging will be accepted and refunded.
The Customer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. In this case, a percentage between 10 and 90 percent of the sums paid to the Seller for the purchase of the returned products will be deducted from the refund provided, according to what will be specifically communicated by e-mail by the Seller.
Within 14 (fourteen) days of sending the e-mail with which the sum deducted from the refund will be communicated, the Customer can choose to get back, at his own expense, the products in the state in which they were returned to the Seller, notifying the Seller. himself, according to the procedures that will be communicated to him. Otherwise, the Seller may keep the products and an amount corresponding to the percentage will be deducted from the refund.
After returning the products, the Seller will make the necessary checks on the state of the same. In the event that the checks are concluded positively, the Seller will send the Customer, via e-mail, the relative confirmation of acceptance of the products thus returned. In the event that the checks are not concluded positively, the Seller will communicate to the Customer, via e-mail, the existence of a decrease in the value of the returned products. At the same time, the Seller also communicates the amount that will be deducted from the sums paid by the Customer for the purchase of the returned products; without prejudice, alternatively, to the possibility of regaining, at his own expense, the products in the state in which they were returned to the Seller.
In the hypothesis of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Customer has the right to choose between the refund of the sums paid or the replacement of the product.
In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the Seller indicates which forwarder for the return of the products agreed with the Customer service at the time of authorization.
According to the methods and terms provided for the exercise of the right of withdrawal, this method allows the Seller to pay directly, on behalf of the Customer, the costs of returning the purchased products, freeing him from any payment obligation towards the shipper. This method also allows you to check, at any time, where each package is, freeing the customer from any liability in case of loss or damage to the products during transport.
In the event that the Customer decides to use, for the return of the products, a shipper other than that indicated by the Seller, the shipping costs will be borne by him, including the responsibility in case of loss or damage to the products.
In the event of a request for replacement of the product by the Customer, the Customer will be charged only the cost of shipping the replaced product and any price difference between the returned product and the one requested in replacement.
In case of return from non-EU countries, all costs related to shipping, transport, customs clearance and VAT are charged to the customer.

11) Brand and Logo

The use and reproduction of logos and trademarks on the Site is strictly prohibited.
"ReD'An roma" is a registered trademark owned exclusively by the Seller.
Any reproduction of images, logos, information and materials available on the website
www.redan roma.itis expressly prohibited.
The publication, distribution, marketing of information contained in this site, even partial, is absolutely prohibited.

12)Limitation of Liability

No responsibility can be charged to any contractual party if the delayed or non-execution of the obligations is due to force majeure.
Any unforeseeable fact or circumstance that is unavoidable independent of the will of the parties and which cannot be removed despite all reasonable efforts will be considered as a case of force majeure.
However, the blocking of means of transport for any reason including strikes, earthquake, fires, storms, floods are considered as a case of force majeure or fortuitous events; moreover, the suspension of the telecommunication network or difficulties inherent to the telecommunication networks not attributable to the Parties and which have caused difficulties or impossibility of defining the order is expressly considered cause of force majeure.
Acts of force majeure generally are those causes which have generally been ascertained as such by the Jurisprudence.

The Seller cannot be held liable to the customer, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, for disservices or malfunctions connected to the use of the internet, beyond its control.
The Seller assumes no responsibility for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be perpetrated by third parties, of credit cards, debit cards and any other means of payment in advance, upon payment of the purchased products, if demonstrate that you have adopted all possible precautions based on the best science and experience of the moment and based on ordinary diligence


These general conditions are subject to Italian law.
In the event of a dispute, the Parties will first attempt an amicable solution. In the event that this attempt is unsuccessful, in the event of a judgment, the mandatory and exclusive territorial jurisdiction will be that of Rome.

14) Protection of personal data

All data provided in any capacity will be treated according to the directives of the law in force regarding the conservation of personal data.
According to the law, you have the right to consult, modify and delete the data you have communicated to us with the Seller. This right can also be exercised online by sending a written request to the Seller's address.
By validating the general conditions of sale, the Customer confirms that he is aware of the
Privacy Policy.

Regarding sales to minors, the various jurisdictions define the "minor" differently, in terms of confidentiality or otherwise, according to the laws in force. Within websites where information from minors could be collected (based on local law in force), visitors may be asked to indicate their date of birth in order to restrict access to certain areas functions to minors and use cookies to prevent them from changing their age. In the event that we become aware that we are dealing with minors, we may ask for the email address of a parent to contact him and inform him of our privacy policy and/or obtain consent to the data processing, if necessary. In any case, we urge you to monitor the Internet activities of your minor children.

 For more information on our personal data collection and management policies, you can consult our Privacy Policy. 

15) Country of origin of the order

We remind you that all items purchased on this website are intended for use in the country in which they were ordered and shipped by us. 
If the Customer decides to transfer the purchased products to another country, he will be personally and exclusively responsible for the transfer of the goods and compliance with both the current export legislation of the country of origin of the shipment of the goods and the current import legislation of the country of origin. destination.

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